Germantown's Holiday Lights 2016
I can live without snow, but for me, Christmas just isn't Christmas without a healthy dose of holiday lights
It's amazing how they can transform a home or building into something entirely magical as darkness falls.
Thanks to modern technology, projections or even a minion or too can add to the effect.
Minion on Maple Ave
Luckily, I happen to live next door to one of the best displays in town (thanks to Jim and Judy Bell)!
Jim and Judy Bells annual display on Woods Road
My fortunate location aside, a walk or drive around Germantown in the early evening will reward one with plenty of cheery displays to make the spirit bright. To follow are some I have taken photos of over the past several weeks.
Reindeer, a blue tree and projections on Route 9G
A Big wreath turns this farmhouse on Maple Ave into a living Christmas Card
Who says one can't be innovative?
Another house with green and red projections on Route 9G
Holiday Fever does not just hit homeowners - many of our local businesses and organizations get in the act too!
Yaddick Fox Funeral Home
Fire Department
Floral innovations
Germatown Telephone
Main Street's new sidewalk gives one the opportunity to stroll past ten or so decorated homes between 9G and Church Ave, including the following.
Main Street
Main Street
Main Street
This is by no means a complete representation of all the holiday displays in town, so I encourage you to get out and see them yourselves before the year ends and they are gone!
Happy Holidays Germantown!